Currently, video CVs have particular relevance to certain professions, but we see in 2018 this is developing into an accepted and requested form of application.’ says CEO, Robyn Lamb. ‘After all, if a picture is worth a thousand words, how much more is the speaking, lively image of the person that makes clear to the client in seconds a mass of needed information ‒ information such as your voice and how clear it is, ability to express yourself, facial expression, the way you sit and move, and even your personality.’
None of this vital information of course can be communicated in the standard CV. Nevertheless, the video CV does not replace the standard CV. Instead, it is an invaluable adjunct to it that gives the employer a very good and accurate idea of the applicant.
Eager to keep abreast with new developments in securing employment, RCV International has already started helping would-be employees to make their video CVs. As they point out, there are a number of advantages in preparing the double CV-package that will accompany their application:
– Being able to give more information. Previously, most candidates felt they couldn’t cram what they needed to say onto a couple of pieces of paper.
– The benefit of practising what they are likely to speak about in their interview in stress-free surroundings.
– The benefit of being able to view and correct defects in their performance.
– The chance to plan and hone what they want to say about themselves.
– More and more South African firms are welcoming this method to find top-quality applicants.
Currently, video CVs have particular relevance to certain professions, but we see in 2018 this is developing into an accepted and requested form of application.’ says CEO, Robyn Lamb. ‘After all, if a picture is worth a thousand words, how much more is the speaking, lively image of the person that makes clear to the client in seconds a mass of needed information ‒ information such as your voice and how clear it is, ability to express yourself, facial expression, the way you sit and move, and even your personality.’ None of this vital information of course can be communicated in the standard CV. Nevertheless, the video CV does not replace the standard CV. Instead, it is an invaluable adjunct to it that gives the employer a very good and accurate idea of the applicant.
Eager to keep abreast with new developments in securing employment, RCV International has already started helping would-be employees to make their video CVs. As they point out, there are a number of advantages in preparing the double CV-package that will accompany their application:
– Try to be different ‒ try a touch of humour, but don’t overdo it.
– Remain professional at all times.
– Try and keep your focus on the employer and take into account the companies culture and vision.
– Nervous giggling is not the way to go.
– Be precise as possible, keep a list of employment dates etc.
– CVs tend to focus on past employment and not what you can bring to the job. If you have specific IT system skills, for example, mention them.
– It is important to note that your video CV won’t guarantee you the job, this may be one of a few interviews and it is important to try and have at least one face to face interview with the employer.
– Focus on your strengths, achievements and recent experience.
– Try and also focus on what you can offer the employer/company.
– Make sure you have researched the company thoroughly to ensure you understand their business and type of candidate they like to employ.
– Perhaps do some investigation into the department you are applying to, this will give you an idea of the team already in place.
– Should you have more than one language, a suggestion would be to spend about 10-20 seconds outlining the languages you speak in the specific language to highlight this point.
– Dress as if you are going to an interview.
– Check lighting, the interviewer wants to see your face.
– Don’t forget to ensure the area is free from “loud” distractions and consider the background as even a background of books can be distracting.
It may be an idea to approach a Cape Town Recruitment Agency such as RCV to assist you with this video CV. It is important to keep your CV updated and geared to the specific company and role.
This is your chance to sell yourself in person not just on a sheet of paper, RCV International (your Recruitment Agency in Cape Town) has started to use this alternative form of CV for applications. In the UK and US this is an accepted and popular mode of presenting candidates to prospective employers and recruitment agencies in Cape Town are following this trend.